Average house price hits £216000 despite a monthly FALL in prices – The Sun

Average house prices have been falling in the UK but they are still rather high. The average is 216000 pounds. This does not bode well for the low income home buyer. The payments would be more than they could afford. This is just an average, though, so it could still help to look around. One shouldn’t get too discouraged before at least trying to find something. As interest and other rates change so will housing prices so keeping an eye on the market can also help.

Key Takeaways:

  • The pace of house cost development kept on backing off on a yearly premise, with a 4.1 for each penny increment in March.
  • The cost paid for a run of the mill first-time purchaser home additionally diminished month-on-month.
  • In an inversion of the typical local example, the south of England demonstrated a portion of the mildest development with value swelling of 2.8 for every penny in the South West.

“House prices are still up 4.34 per cent year-on-year but experts claim that dip in monthly prices means the property market is slowing down.”

Read more: https://www.thesun.co.uk/money/3572721/average-house-price-hits-216000-despite-a-monthly-fall-in-prices/