Where is best to keep our house deposit money?

If you have sold your house and have a large sum made from the sale that can be used as a deposit on a new home purchase, what do you do with the money if you are waiting a while to buy a new house? The best solution is to put the money into a savings account instead if tying it up in investments. You may be surprised to find that the high street banks are not your best option, find out more here.

Key Takeaways:

  • A no-notice savings account is a good place to park a lump sum of money.
  • A no-notice savings account offers a small return & doesn’t tie up the money for a set amount of time.
  • Non high street banks offer no-notice accounts with FSCS protection.

“you’ll get the best rates from banks you may never have heard of”

Read more: https://www.theguardian.com/money/2017/nov/13/where-best-to-keep-house-deposit-money-short-notice-best-return