This is what it costs to buy a home in Glasgow – iNews

Glasgo is in Scotland. If you’ve ever wanted to buy a home there this is good info. It talks about what it will cost you. You should plan before making a major financial decision like this so finding info which tells you the cost is important. If you don’t plan you might get in over […]

Here are the factors slowing down the UK’s ‘stagnant’ housing market – Business Insider

The housing market in the UK is stagnant right now. That means it isn’t getting better or worse. This isn’t the best news but it could be worse. This explains why the market is doing this. If you are interested in real estate or want to buy a house to live in this is good […]

Is UK housing at risk of another downturn? – IG

The question is how Brexit will affect the overseas mortgage business. Experts say that it could be several years before statistics show any trend in the market. The EMF reported that tax changes made in early 2016 make it difficult to tell how Brexit will affect the market. Although there was an immediate impact on […]

Selling your home this summer? THIS top tip will maximise the saleability of your property –

During the summer months the housing market can be slow but there are many ways to increase your chances of selling. Some of the ways include tidying up the exterior and using neutral decor. Of the most important, I would say that it is to tidy up the exterior. Generally speaking, a first impression of […]

Slowdown in house prices rise as number of new instructions falls – AOL UK

House prices are still going up in the United Kingdom but they are doing so at a slower rate. Many things affect this and it’s important to keep watch so you can get a good deal on a house. If the prices start falling again that would be an even better time to buy. Interest […]

Is paying off the mortgage a better bet than saving? – The Guardian

People constantly tell you to save. You should put money away for a rainy day. It’s hard to do but everyone says it’s best, and they are not wrong about it being a good idea. It may be better to pay off the mortgage sooner instead, though. That would be great for your credit for […]

UK homebuyers spent 100000 years waiting on mortgages in 2015 – Mortgage Introducer

Customers in the UK will typically wait a long time to have their mortgage application approved. In 2015 potential home buyers waited a combined 100,000 years having lenders determine if they will be provided a loan. In response, Dwell launched Mortgage Checks to help the buyer determine what product they are eligible for and what […]

What landlords need to know about September 2017’s buy-to-let changes – Simply Business knowledge

Lenders will need to review the complete landlord’s portfolio when making a property application. Brokers are advising the landlords to get their mortgages ready for the new rules by the month of September 2017. New tax rules and lower tax relief are on discussion. 2017 has seen new rules on buy-to-let mortgages which is causing […]

London house price drag prompts UK’s weakest gains since 2013 … – THE BUSINESS TIMES

Not every year do prices go up. The forces of supply and demand work inherently outside of most anything besides government regulation. A slowdown in the market may mean a “consolidating” market. This just means that its not shooting up like it has been. The housing market clearly stated that it was still growing, just […]

Brexit and political uncertainty continues to stifle the UK housing market – Business Insider

The housing market in the UK isn’t doing as well as usual. This is because of Brexit. It is making people feel uncertain. Many things affect the housing market in various countries. The political climate does because it affects the whole economy and makes people feel unstable. They don’t want to spend money because they’re […]