Essex House Becomes First UK Home to Sell for Bitcoin

Bitcoin has been surging over the past year, going from almost $1000 in January to $18000 this month. This has lead to people investing in it and seeing what else it can do. One of the things it was able to do, was buy someone a home in the UK. A house outside of Colchester was sold for almost 83 Bitcoins or around 375,000 GBP. Due to the volatility, the buyer and seller had to lock into a price to ensure that both sides were getting a fair deal.

Key Takeaways:

  • The house sold for almost 83 bitcoins or 375,000 GBP at the current conversion rate.
  • Bitcoins have been surging recently, from $1000 in January to almost $18000 today.
  • The owner is hoping to sell another home in Colchester for bitcoin and is asking for 595,000 GBP

“Now another bit of crypto history has been made as a house in Essex has become the first home sold for Bitcoin in the UK.”

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