Are You Ready To Buy Your First Home?

You very much want a new home, possibly your first home. And, of course, it’s a very big deal. But, before you go wistfully mooning and drooling over possible contenders, pull yourself together and do a bit of planning and homework first.

Create a list for yourself of every possible feature you would want your ideal home to have, taking particular note of your deal-breakers, as well as areas where you might be willing to negotiate down a bit. You will need to speak to a lender next. A lender will help you see exactly how you stand financially. He, or she, can educate you as to every type of cost you might possibly encounter on your way to getting your new home. Ultimately, your lender visit will enable you to understand just how much house you can really afford. One sneaky cost that could take a potential dream home away from your cost comfort-zone is insurance. Make sure you know what you will need and what it will cost. After that it’s time to interview and find the perfect real estate agent and get home-hunting.

Key Takeaways:

  • Before you start looking at homes, in order to purchase your first house, it’s important to visit a lender.
  • A lender will help you assess your financial picture and make sure that you understand all of the costs associated with buying a home.
  • Make yourself a home-buying wish list and put on it every conceivable feature you would want your dream home to have.

“Getting a feel for how much insurance may cost is another important factor. Insurance costs can vary widely, depending on location, in regard to flood zones. You don’t want to be looking at the perfect house and then find that the cost of insurance makes it impossible for you to buy.”

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